Founded by Claudio Angeli in 1983 "New Age Productions", provides worldwide music representation in booking, management, publishing and production for some of the finest talents of contemporary italian music scene. The agency represents a wide variety of artists that range from Jazz to Pop, Rock, Classica, Opera and DJ's.
Former co-founder of the oldest italian jazz club "AlexanderPlatz" (Rome), during the 80s and 90s, as promoter and artistic consultant for various venues, club and festivals, presents a series of very innovative music project with renowned artists such as John Mc Laughlin, Cecil Taylor, Joe Henderson, Tuck and Patti, Pierre Bensusan, Oregon, Stephan Micus, George Winston, Wim Mertens, Acoustic Alchemy, David Sylvian and many more !
In the early 2000s, following an accurate observation of international music scene, starts working on his most ambitious idea, presents "Modern Italian Sounds" all over the world. Beginning of 2005 "New Age Productions" starts the "SUONI ITALIANI" (Italian Sounds) project with the aim to present top italian musicians worldwide and... this happened!!!! For the first time musicians like, Mario Biondi, Fabrizio Bosso, Stefano Bollani, Nicola Conte, Giovanni Allevi, Ludovico Einaudi, Simona Molinari and many more, were introduced to the US, Asia, United Arab Emirates audiences.
New Age Productions works in partnership with a broad spectrum of public and private institutions.

Fondata nel 1983 da Claudio Angeli, la “New Age Productions” si occupa di booking, management, edizioni, distribuzione internazionale per alcuni dei migliori artisti della scena musicale italiana.
Nel roster dell’agenzia sono presenti artisti di diversi generi musicali dal Jazz al Pop al Rock, alla Classica, all’Opera fino ai DJ’s. Co-fondatore dell’”Alexanderplatz” (Roma), il più antico Jazz club italiano, negli anni ‘80 e ’90, Angeli, nel ruolo di promoter e consulente artistico di concert hall, clubs e festivals, presenta una serie di progetti musicali innovativi con la partecipazione di musicisti di grandissima fama come: John Mc Laughlin, Cecil Taylor, Joe Henderson, Maria Joao, Tuck & Patti, Pierre Bensusan, Oregon, Stephan Micus, George Winston, Wim Mertens, AcousticAlchemy, David Sylvian, e molti altri.
All’inizio degli anni 2000 dopo un’attenta ricerca e osservazione della scena musicale internazionale, inizia a lavorare ad un’idea veramente ambiziosa: riuscire a presentare i Suoni Italiani nelle capitali musicali di tutto il mondo. Nel 2005 la “New Age Productions” lancia il progetto “SUONI ITALIANI” e... l’idea si realizza!!!!! Per la prima volta, artisti come Mario Biondi, Fabrizio Bosso, Stefano Bollani, Nicola Conte, Giovanni Allevi, Simona Molinari, Ludovico Einaudi, tanto per citarne alcuni, vengono presentati al pubblico giapponese, americano e a quello degli emirati arabi.
La “New Age Productions” ha lavorato e tutt'ora lavora con partner istituzionali e privati.

1983年、クラウディオ・アンジェリ氏により設立された”New Age Productions”は、ブッキング、マネージメント、出版などを手掛け、イタリアの現代音楽シーンにおける優秀なアーティストを世界に広めるための活動をしています。
”New Age Productions”にはジャズからポップ、ロック、クラシック、オペラ、DJ音楽まで、様々なジャンルのアーティストが所属しています。またアンジェリ氏は、“Alexanderplatz”(ローマ)という最も古いイタリアのジャズクラブの共同創立者であり、1980、1990年台には、プ ロ モーターやコン サート、フェスティバルの美術顧問としての役割をし、革新的な音楽プロジェクトを紹介しました。そのプロジェクトには有名なアーティスト(John Mc Laughlin, Cecil Taylor, Joe Henderson,Maria Joao, Tuck & Patti, Pierre Bensuan, Oregon, Stephan Micus,George Winston, Wim Mertens, Acoustic Alchemy, David Sylvianなど)が参加しました。
国際的な音楽シーンにおける緻密な研究と観察をした後の2000年初頭、世界中の音楽首都でイタリア音楽を紹介したいという大きな望みを抱き、2005年、”New Age Productions”は”SUONI ITALIANI(イタリアの音響)”プロジェクトに乗り出し、その計画は……現実となったのです! Mario Biondi, Fabrizio Bosso, Stefano Bollani, Nicola Conte, Giovanni Allevi, Simona Molinari, Ludovico Einaudiなどは、日本、アメリカ、アラブ首長国連邦で初めて紹介されました。仕事でも私的でも
”New Age Productions”の安定したパートナー関係はいまでも続いています。